Thank you for considering to contribute to NITK Surathkal. You can contribute to the institute by various modes described below.
Make your contributions using Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking/ UPI/ Wallets
Account Name | NITK/KREC Endowment Fund |
Account Number | 37481178720 |
Bank Name | State Bank of India |
Branch Name | Surathkal, Mangalore |
Address | Surathkal Branch, NITK Campus ,P.O.Srinivasanagar,DT Dakshina Kannada - 575025 |
IFSC Code | SBIN0002273 |
For any other donations, please contact us through email at: , CC to:
Your generous contributions make a real difference. Explore the areas where your donations can help transform the institute.
Department building, center of excellence, classroom, laboratory, student activity center, sports facility, food court, convention center, guest house, etc.
Support for university exchange visits, conference paper presentations, internships in industries or R&D labs.
Support for product development, field testing, marketing, pre-incubation, and startup incubation for aspiring student entrepreneurs.
Grants for faculty for pursuing research, Proof-of-concept development, prototyping, consultancy projects
Awards, scholarships, stipends, startup seed funds for eligible and deserving students.