Thank you for considering to contribute to NITK Surathkal. You can contribute to the institute by various modes described below.
Account Name | NITK/KREC Endowment Fund |
Account Number | 37481178720 |
Bank Name | State Bank of India |
Branch Name | Surathkal, Mangalore |
Address | Surathkal Branch, NITK Campus, P.O.Srinivasanagar, DT Dakshina Kannada - 575025 |
IFSC Code | SBIN0002273 |
For any other donations, please contact us through email at: , CC to:
Your generous contributions make a real difference. Explore the areas where your donations can help transform the institute.
Support for developing and maintaining department buildings, centers of excellence, classrooms, labs, student activity centers, sports facilities, food courts, convention centers, and guest houses.
Financial assistance through awards, scholarships, stipends, R&D grants, and startup seed funds for deserving students.
Funding for university exchange programs, conference paper presentations, and industry or R&D internships for eligible students.
Financial aid for product development, field testing, initial marketing, pre-incubation, and startup incubation for student entrepreneurs.
Establishing professorships to enhance teaching, research, innovation, and outreach across departments and interdisciplinary centers.
Funding for faculty and staff development programs, conferences, travel grants for overseas experts, and registration fees for deserving participants.
Funding for specific R&D initiatives, including equipment, human resources, product development, testing, field studies, and technology commercialization.
Initiatives focused on sustainability through water, energy, and resource management, along with community-driven eco-friendly projects.
Support for sports events, adventure camps, cultural clubs (art, music, drama, cinematography), and technical clubs (robotics, drones, satellites, vehicles).
Financial support and incentives for recruiting and recognizing contract staff with specialized skills essential for Institute activities.