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Alumni Scholarship Students

SNo Name Roll No Batch Branch Date Scholarship Amount
1 Maraka Govardhan Reddy 181EC223 2018 Electronics and Communication Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00
2 Bayapureddy sannala Trinesh Reddy 181EC108 2018 Electronics and Communication Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00
3 Sangireddi kiran Babu 181CO128 2018 Computer Science and Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00
4 Sai nishanth K R 181CO145 2018 Computer Science and Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00
5 Abhishek Sachin Patil 181CO102 2018 Computer Science and Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00
6 Faldu Jay Dharmendra 181CO101 2018 Computer Science and Engineering 2019-08-16 24000.00